About Me

I have been incredibly fortunate to live in the Hollywood area for the last 16 years. As such, I feel a real allegiance to this area. I see my work on the Neighborhood Council as a service to my community and and the future of our neighborhood. 

With my 25 years of experience as a marketing and communications consultant, I bring a wealth of outreach expertise to the Neighborhood Council. There is no more important mission for a Neighborhood Council than to engage and inform the community. It provides the necessary informational resources to stakeholders and sets the course for what the organization can achieve.

I am well apprised of the issues that affect Hollywood. As a long-time participant in community affairs and as the editor of the well-respected Hollywood Dell Civic Association newsletter, I have gained a clear understanding of the questions that concern the area. I also have a solid grasp of the the political process and how it affects the quality of life for everyone in the neighborhood.

My unflagging commitment to the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council is clear. I have developed numerous campaigns to promote outreach, and I organized the Budget and Infrastructure Roundtable that was hailed by City Hall as an example of Neighborhood Council excellence. Fellow Board Members regularly commend his efforts and contributions.